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Goldstéck - The Story


It all started as a hobby.

As a mother to be I did not want to resort to the usual children's accessories, but wanted to offer my child something special and personal. With a few ideas in mind I sat down at my sewing machine and soon completed my first creations. As a mother of 2 vibrant young children you know what can be useful in your everyday life.

A brand was born

When sharing my creations with friends and family everyone was super enthusiastic. My brother came to me with the idea to make the designs available to a wider audience. Goldstéck was born. 


Since then our brand has evolved and we have discovered that our clients did not only want to but unique accessories for their children, they also wanted to have nice fashion accessories for themselves.

This is when we came up with the idea to create stylish, yet useful backpacks as well as unique handmade purses for every occasion.


Our values

From the start it was clear that our family business had to be run according to our values:

Use only high quality fabrics, certified Oeko-Tex®, to ensure that our designs look amazing, are well-tolerated and contain no harmful substances.

Create useful products that can actually help make your life easier.


Make unique designs in small quantities. Every client is special for us and should feel that way with his product.

Support a local production in Luxembourg. Our efforts have been recognised by the Chamber of Commerce that has given us the label "Made in Luxembourg".

Where to find us

Goldstéck designs are available via different channels in Luxembourg and abroad.

  • Our online store (we ship all over Europe)

  • Local and regional fairs (Events page)

  • Different local stores such as:
    Au Petit Luxembourg, The Luxembourg House, etc..

  • Our social media channels

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